#CampusHighlight PKM Pengabdian Masyarakat 2015 Part 2
Setelah gw tau kalau PKM M tugsel berhasil lolos didanai Dikti, gw langsung merencanakan apa yang perlu dilakukan selanjutnya. Here I act as project leader, so I have responsibility to plan it well. And that was the first time I got my PKM lolos didanai dikti. I’ve submitted some PKM back then, but none of them granted. And knowing that there’s only three team in FKM who granted by Dikti, I feel a bit…. proud, I guess? But holding a PKM project is not an easy job. Or you can read this as: “OMAIGAD THAT’S QUITE LOT OF SHITTY STUFF WITH PKM, I MUST SAY!” How could I describe it? Lets use Expectation VS Reality mode: Expectation: Yes, I granted IDR 10.000.000 yuhuu so let’s make a good program. We start from this to this and that *and bunch of plan* Reality: Uang turun bertahap. Tahun ini dana dikasih dalam presentase 70% : 30%. Pengumuman PKM lolos didanai bulan januari, dana 70% baru turun bulan April sementara monev awal Juni d...