#CampusHighlight PKM Pengabdian Masyarakat 2015 Part 1


Tonight I suppose to write about K2N (Yap, I listed some remarkable event in campus and place them in order hahaa yeah I guess I’ve been taken this #CampusHighlight quite seriously lol) but I feel a sudden urge to write this first, about PKM M which I run this semester.

So, PKM M (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Pengabdian Masyarakat) is social project competition held by Dikti (or Ristekdikti). Kayaknya semua mahasiswa familiar deh sama PKM ini. Quite mirip HAA yang gw post sebelumnya, di PKM kita ngesubmit proposal kegiatan sosial yang ingin kita lakukan. Then, if it interesting enough, Dikti will give us money to implement our program. At the end, Dikti will monitor and evaluate our program. Team with good score will represent his/her univ to Pimnas, which if they won, would bring Univ’s pride (and money for sure)

The idea of submitting proposal come because we (peserta K2N di tugsel), specially the advocacy team, didn’t feel that our advocacy success in bring change to society. Oh iya, advokasinya adalah tentang pengelolaan sampah di wilayah gunung mas (I will describe later in K2N post). Nah selama di sana, tim advokasi udah berhasil ngedeketin pejabat2 PTPN dan Agro untuk mengadakan pengangkutan sampah. But none of them willing to give cash, which quite a problem because money will make the program sustain. Jadi, kita berniat bikin PKM karena pengen dapet uang buat nuntasin program pengangkutan sampah disana.

At first, I ask advocacy team to write this proposal, Mounda and Suci are in. But Eja and Diana refuse because they do skripsi. Then Ela and Febri join, make us a complete PKM team consist of 1 FKM, 2 FMIPA and 2 FIB squad.

So we make the proposal namely "Program Bebas Sampah". Not a really good one I thought. It simply change the materi advokasi into piece of pkm format. There’s nothing special nor extraordinary with the idea itself. We simply purpose to have a proper pengangkutan sampah in Gunung Mas. And as far as I remembered, there’s not so much discussion between us in making this proposal. Kita cuman ngomongin di wa dan bagi tugas nulisnya. Sempet ketemuan sekali sama eja dan mounda (the HP’s laptop ambassador haha) di BPM buat ngerapihin pkmnya, abis itu udah langsung submit ke simlitabmas (kebetulan karena gw anak pdank fkm jadinya gw juga yang ngurus buat upload pkm di fkm)

Bulan berlalu, bahkan sampai lupa pernah submit proposal hahaha. Surprisingly lolos! Gak nyangka lah. Kayak yang tadi gw bilang: there’s nothing special about the idea. Tapi kita punya kelebihan yaitu kenal dengan masyarakat sasaran dan tahu persis medannya seperti apa. Jadi mungkin itu yang membuat proposal ini “stand out” diantara banyak proposal pkm m lainnya.

--continued on next post--


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