#CampusHighlight Mapres FKM UI Part 3: Final
Saat pengumuman finalis, gw lagi di rumah, gak pergi ke kampus
seharian itu. Lagi leyeh-leyeh di kasur, suddenly ada notifikasi di grup mapres
yang mengumumkan nama-nama lolos final mapres. And I found my name! Sudden tears
come out. What I think at that moment “Allah, you know me. You know all my sin.
You know I am not performing well on last presentation. What’s your plan
to me? How could Allah be so kind by letting me become Mapres
And day pass giving me bunch of revision for paper. Latihan kembali diadakan. Pertama adalah feedback dan konsultasi dengan Pak Pandu. Kedua adalah teknik presentasi oleh pak Zarfiel. In this final stage, I must presenting my paper in english. So, it’ll be more challenging.
And day pass giving me bunch of revision for paper. Latihan kembali diadakan. Pertama adalah feedback dan konsultasi dengan Pak Pandu. Kedua adalah teknik presentasi oleh pak Zarfiel. In this final stage, I must presenting my paper in english. So, it’ll be more challenging.
Day minus one, tension get real. it’s the same day as Opening
Ceremony SF I remembered. I used to come, but then Anita ask me to join latihan
di promdok. Before, we also have drilling with anak K3 (much thanks to Kemmy
Audrey who gave many good suggestion, also Kak Alex and Anita and not forget
Mega for organizing this drilling)
(Foto diatas diambil sesaat sebelum Arief presentasi, keliatan banget muka-muka stress)
After finish my
presentation, I run to back of Promdok and……… crying! Omaigad
it come all of sudden! like, hey! I am not a cry baby, bukan orang baper,
cengeng dan gak pernah nangis di kampus sebelumnya. Tapi gw bener-bener gak bisa
nahan buat gak nangis. gw langsung diajak keluar. gw inget banget Kak Aini
dateng bawain coklat terus gw masih sesenggukan. Gw duduk dikelilingin anita
ankur riris hani tini, haffff I really am can not control my self at that time.
Mungkin ini akumulasi semua stress gw selama tahap final. At that point, gw
merasa gagalll banget. Puas nangis, gw memilih balik ke dalem ruangan, liat
presentasi kak Zahrin sama kak Alex. Huwafff it’s quite a longgg day. I treat my
self a Filosofi Kopi after class in Mall Kalibata.
One week after, pengumuman mapres tiba. Di tahap ini gw udah
legowo banget. I know who will win and I am proud Arief make it into Juara
1 Mapres FKM UI 2015. He such a genius yet humble person I know. Having him
representing FKM for Mapres UI, I feel a total relief and proud. Kalau kata
Yuris, Arief itu tipe langka mapres fkm. Biasanya, mapres fkm comes from paper
and conference. Sedangkan arief adalah tipe anak MUN yang udah jadi chair MUN
luar negeri. Meskipun Arief gak jadi Mapres UI, tapi we all know kalau dia
adalah yang terbaik dari fkm tahun ini buat maju ke UI and we also can see that
he already give his utmost best.
Anddd that’s my journey in Mapres FKM UI. For fellow junior who
wants to join Mapres : Lucky you if you have prepared enough for those CV
matter. But If not, don’t be afraid. If it’s your dream, give it a try. And keep
this in mind: Be Positive! The storm sure pass. Have fun in the process, don’t
stress over it too much (don’t be like me seriously! take it easy and
You know what, at the beginning of this year, I wrote down my
resolution for 2015 in front of my desk. One of those, I written: “Finalis 6
Besar Mapres FKM UI” dibawahnya gw tulis “Don’t let your fear stop you from your
dream, GO FOR IT”. I write it even before Mapres start. Allah help me to
achieve my dream, and I still on my way to achieve another
To end this long post, I quoted Murakami in Kafka On The Shore,
who quite sum my journey in Mapres:
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how
you made it through, how you managed to survive. But one thing is certain. When
you come out the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what
this storm’s all about ”
-#CampusHighlight Mapres FKM UI finished-
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