For the Joy of Writing
Halo semua, Assalamualaikum!
Sudah lama sekali gue gak ngeposting sesuatu di blog. Almost two years (wow, quite a long time)
It is not that I forgot my blogspot, no. I remember it. But, while I want to make a good article, I keep postponed it. As I become more concious of how a good writing is, I become more and more afraid to publish something. "It is not good enough", myself said. "It is cheesy" "Can't you make a more scientific ideas or beautiful phrase?" and the list goes on and on.
I didn't show any of my writing to public, until I began to join #30haribercerita in instagram. For me, writing in IG has less pressure compared to blog or web (yah walaupun sekarang juga kerasa sih pengen lebih bagus lagi caption dan fotonya). Singkat cerita, gw ikut program ini dua tahun. Then I realized something, I can write. I have that ability in myself. Yet the doubt and insecurities keep running on my mind. I got a LOT of support and encouragement from my close friends that I should start to publish my story. Then I tell them, I didn't make any article or short stories as I expected from myself. I only write what I think, feel, listen as it is with my own personal reflection on it.
But that's the joy of writing. And I DO love writing. As much as I love reading. So here I am, start my milestone again to publish my writing in my own personal blog. I know it sounds too much but I need the courage to show my truly self is. And to accept the process that I must keep learning in this stuff that I love. But it doesn't make it right for me to keep postponing my work until it feels "good enough". No. Start small. One step at a time.
So, I hope that this blog will nurture something in me. So as it is for you. I hope you got the courage to state what truly your interest is.
Sudah lama sekali gue gak ngeposting sesuatu di blog. Almost two years (wow, quite a long time)
It is not that I forgot my blogspot, no. I remember it. But, while I want to make a good article, I keep postponed it. As I become more concious of how a good writing is, I become more and more afraid to publish something. "It is not good enough", myself said. "It is cheesy" "Can't you make a more scientific ideas or beautiful phrase?" and the list goes on and on.
I didn't show any of my writing to public, until I began to join #30haribercerita in instagram. For me, writing in IG has less pressure compared to blog or web (yah walaupun sekarang juga kerasa sih pengen lebih bagus lagi caption dan fotonya). Singkat cerita, gw ikut program ini dua tahun. Then I realized something, I can write. I have that ability in myself. Yet the doubt and insecurities keep running on my mind. I got a LOT of support and encouragement from my close friends that I should start to publish my story. Then I tell them, I didn't make any article or short stories as I expected from myself. I only write what I think, feel, listen as it is with my own personal reflection on it.
But that's the joy of writing. And I DO love writing. As much as I love reading. So here I am, start my milestone again to publish my writing in my own personal blog. I know it sounds too much but I need the courage to show my truly self is. And to accept the process that I must keep learning in this stuff that I love. But it doesn't make it right for me to keep postponing my work until it feels "good enough". No. Start small. One step at a time.
So, I hope that this blog will nurture something in me. So as it is for you. I hope you got the courage to state what truly your interest is.
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