My Perspective on PH and Medicine
Okay guys, let me tell you what's motivating me to write this post. This is the second semester in my faculty and this become the trending topics in all places in all occasion "hey, will you take a test to medicine school this year?" i don't know how to answer that question in a short and brief way because there's so many idea in my heads that i don't know either at what point i stand out.
First, as far I think that Public Health is really important. Like keeping the healthy people to maintain their condition really cool or preventing a group or number of people from disease was a brilliant idea (while doctor in the other hand must work 24/7 just to make sure their patient is cure as an INDIVIDUAL. Imagine that you are a cardiac specialist doctor and you will get all people with heart problem all day long, and its a possiblity that one disease is the same with other and you need to explain it again and again)
but to me as the undergraduate student it seems so abstract and ambiguous. What you will explain to other people seems like the "wow so normal condition" that rarely seen in reality. And what I'm arguing is , to prevent the disease you MUST know the disease, right?
how can you prevent while you didn't know the simptom, the condition, the bacteria, and so on? Public Health undergraduate student, in my opinion SHOULD study almost all subject in medicine. Like anatomy, physiology, parasitology, microbiology, patology, biochem, farmacology, cell biology in a DEEP understanding. because in my case, its all learnt just a little , just on a surface, not in a deep study. but most of my friends are not in the same idea with mine. they probably will said "what for? thats doctor job" well, the doctor job is to cure someone, and our job is to prevent disease. cure and prevent is IN the SAME POSITION in Health Concept, so the consequence is BOTH curing and preventing need a SAME UNDERSTANDING (if some people said that preventing is the most important, than the consequence is the study/subject learn should be more than medical). what is different is how we use the knowledge in the future. Some of my stupid theory is a great lecture in FPH is a doctor who takes MPH or DrPH. You name it: Prof Adik, Prof Ascobat, Pak Kus. okay i know that seems like a joke. but maybe they become a great public health conselour because they got the basic understanding in a WHOLE. So they can make a preventive steps effectively.
PH give you a faster salary in the future, a not so busy schedule of work, and a great carrier opportunity.
On the other hands, MADicine will take most of your time and money. If you are a women you should think twice about taking medicine as your career. You will not be able to raise money as fast as public health does. You will not have time to make sure your family in a good condition. while you take care of other person, your child grown up and up. Doctor hour of work is in the morning or night usually. To take the night hours, your time with your children must be deleted. Think about your child goes to school from 06.30-15.00. You must go to the clinic in 4/5pm until night at least 21.00. It should be the time you interact with your child afterschool. My aunt once said its better you be a carrer woman 9-5 person because in the night you are with your children.
As a conclusion, I think this writing STILL didn't sum up all my understanding about PH and medicine. Thats so many point to argue. But writing this will memorize my idea and 5 more years i will see whether I have a good understanding or not
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