On Extroverting an Introvert
It goes without saying that I am an Introvert, 100% (well, maybe 80%?). When I first know the term from Susan Cain's TED Talk, I feel a great sense of relief. That I am pretty much normal. That it is okay to be introverted with all of its strengths and weakness. But, recently I think I am playing it too safe, too comfortable. In the middle of a new environment abroad, I need more social fabric than I initially thought. I come across this book from Mba Asnin's IG Story. Curious, I search for the book sample on Kindle, and I am caught! It's sooo hilarious and relatable. At this point, I was already so skeptical about any books on introverts because it has been so cliché and boring. This book comes with a fresh kick without sounding ‘holier than thou’. I immediately order the book from Amazon and it comes right on 24th December, of what feels like a perfect Christmas gift from me to myself haha. The writer, Jessica Pan, is a Chinese-American who moved to London with her husban...